Friday, February 11, 2011

10: Space - where they are comfortable

See, I knew if I put it in writing I would take the time to read about how to select my focal points. It took maybe 5 minutes to find the part in the manual and figure out what buttons to push. I also too more baby steps and am starting to understand what all the settings actually do. Maybe by the time I finish this class I will stop asking Mike WHY he wanted to buy a camera with so many... buttons.

Mia and I had a lot of fun with this assignment. I don't think Mia has a "space" that she is most comfortable in, it could be a chair, the floor, up a tree. She is most comfortable with a book in her hand.

1 comment:

Cori said...

Love it! I really like her reflection in the mirror of the first picture. :)
And the last one of course, silly Mia!