Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Down On The Farm

Being that it has been years since I have blogged regularly I have a lot of updates to give. One big thing is we are in our THIRD year of our organic veggie CSA. What is a CSA you ask? CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Localharvest.org has a lot of great information about the CSA model of farming. 

Back in January of 2012 our family decided we wanted to start a farm to supply some locally grown organic produce to our home town. We have been eating such delicious food out of the hoop house all year round for 3 years and thought we should start a year-round CSA. So, our 3 households started expanding our garden spaces and planing our new vegetable adventure. 

Since then we have expended from vegetables and are venturing out to Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, and just last fall Sheep! I always feel like maybe I shouldn't write about the animals that we raise for meat. I am always worried about what someone "might say" or think. But then I think about it... Most of the people that would feel bad about the fact that I am raising my own animals to eat get meat from the grocery store. How are the animals they eat raised? How are they treated? What do they eat? I am very passionate about eating GOOD FOOD and even more so what my kids eat! If you would have asked me ten years ago (even five years) if I could have even seen myself raising animals to eat I would have told you NO WAY! But look, now I am doing just that. 

A new baby lamb! It's a boy! He is so cute and I can't wait to watch him playing and running in the field this spring. 

This guy worried us a few months ago. He got sick and it was so cold outside that we brought him into the house to warm up by the fire. He is doing fine now!

 Turkeys and Chickens roaming around the yard, eating bugs and grass just like they should.

A quick peek into our hoop house getting ready for the winter. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Just a little remodel (in the middle of winter)

When we bought our house the deal was in 5 years we could redo the kitchen. It is small and I have always wanted a nice big kitchen (to be honest I didn't like the house because of the kitchen.) 

Well, the time has come! We are ripping out the old and building an all new fancy kitchen. 
You heard me right ripping it all out. Starting from the foundation up. In the middle of winter!!

On top of getting the kitchen of my dreams, we now have a new roof, new windows, and an extra three inches of insulation on the house. It will have all new wood siding and eventually a new chimney to the wood stove in the basement (no chimney to our "back up heat source" has made for a few very cold days and frozen pipes. But, we are making it!) 

Mike thankfully realized that he in no way has the time to do this massive project himself so we have hired an Amish neighbor of ours to do the work. He does such awesome work! 

We also have hired a friend to help with the "little jobs" you know like ripping the house apart. I keep hearing that "soon" I will have to deal without a stove and a sink (or even outside walls!!) It will all be worth it in the end!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Funny things you hear at Jr. Pro basketball

Gabriel just started basketball for his second year. He loves it! Jr. Pro is grades K-3 and SO CUTE to watch. It is such a great program, the varsity guys coach the little guys. (They look up to the big guys SO much!!) So here are a few hilarious things I over heard today during practice.

1. This is not football. (These little guys can get pretty rough when going down the court.)

2. We will let you run and shoot when you are in varsity but for now, you have to learn to pass the ball. (Some of the little guys seem to have popped out at birth playing ball! They are good!)

3. Now pass it... Oh, next time pass it to your team member. (Well coach, you should have been more specific.)

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Back to it!!!

I know... I said this last year (around this time) and I know you might not believe me when I say it this time. I am going to blog again!! One big reason that I haven't blogged in a LONG time is because I am SO busy. And if I am so busy, I sure should have something to write about!

Another reason that I think I don't blog anymore is Facebook... why do I need to write a page full of things and post pictures if it is all on facebook anyway? Well, I will tell you why (bullet style): 

  • Facebook's one line status updates might be just fine every once-in-awhile but sometimes you just need to write! 
  • Turning your blog into a book is way better than turning FB posts into a book for Christmas gifts.
  • It can inspire others. If I blog about some yummy food I grew maybe someone else will plant a garden.
  • It will lead to healthier habits. Blogging requires time, devotion and commitment.
  • It helps me think about and reflect on the things that happened that day... or week (not month anymore!! I am GOING to blog at least one time a week!)
So, here it is my first (again) post. Look for updates soon on The Family, The Farm, and The Fun!!

Mia is now 15 and in 10th grade. She starts driver's training next month and STILL loves to read. She is in 3 clubs at school and is a great help around the house and "loves" to help weed. Hahaaa! (Ok, she doesn't love it but she will do it when I ask.)

Gabriel is 7 and is in 1st grade! He is FULL of energy and keeps busy with basketball, baseball (t-ball last year), and soccer. He just started Trail Life and loves to help Grandma and Papa with the food pantry at church.