Monday, April 28, 2008

5 Months Old

Well it has been way too long and there are a lot of updates to be blogged about.

Lets start with food. Gabriel started getting interested in eating solid food at about 4 months. I was going to try and wait until he was at least 5 months old to start feeding him solids but he talked me into it and we tried rice cereal about 3 weeks ago. The first day he ate about 4 baby spoons full and was done. The next day he ate I would guess about 4 tablespoons full. Now he is eating rice, butternut squash, and oats. Today at lunch I could not believe how much he ate. I fed him squash and he was mad at me when it was gone, so I made him some oat cereal and a bottle. (He has decided that nursing is not an efficient way to get milk and has started drinking more bottles.) According to the cheap bathroom scale we have he is about 17 pounds! I looked in Mia's baby book and at 5 months she was only 11 pounds 6 ounces. What a big difference!

We also have 2 new teeth in the family! Gabriel's first two bottom teeth emerged at the end of last week. They make him look so big.

Due to lack of planning, last night we ran out of the diapers we use at night (seventh generation) so we tried gDiapers overnight for the first time. Lets just say I am glad that UPS delivered my order today! We also ran out of clean gDipaper "little g's" the outer cloth part. So this morning I had to fashion a diaper out of the inside liner of a gDiaper and a blanket (very 007).

Monday, April 14, 2008

Our Vacation: Part 2: New York City

After our photo shoot in the park we got in the van and headed up to Stamford, CT to visit Mike's brother Brian and his family. It was an exciting visit because Mia got to meet her cousins Gracie and Emma. It took us SIX hours to drive the 262 miles (this kind of traffic is Not for me). We got in at 10 pm and went right to sleep.

On Monday Mike had a meeting in New York with Tree House Interactive about doing some development work with them. So after Brian and Wendy took the girls to school and went to work we got ready for a trip to the Big Apple. We took the Metro-North Railroad from Stamford to Grand Central Station. The weather was not the best, 45 and rainy, but Mia looked so cute walking down the streets of New York with her Disney Princess umbrella (I tried to get a picture but the camera batteries died). We had lunch at TGI Friday's and then it was time for Mike to go to his meeting. Mia, Gabriel, and I went across the street to American Girl Place! Mike was worried that we where going to get bored being there for an hour but that was not a problem. They had 4 floors of dolls and clothes, a cafe, photo studio, theater, and a doll hair salon. By the time Mike got back from his meeting we had to rush back to the train station so we could get on before all the commuters going home from work.

When we got back Mia was excited to get to play with the girls. After dinner we watched a movie and went to sleep.

Tuesday we packed up and once again loaded up the van this time to head for HOME! It was a very fun trip and we saw a lot but it is always good to get home. I forgot how much work it is to travel with a baby.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Our Vacation: Part 1: D.C.

I guess it takes a week after getting home from a trip to get everything settled and in it's "place". I am still looking for our camera and Mia's camera. So sorry to say I will not have all of the pictures yet. But I do have a few and I can tell you the details of the trip.

Thursday March 27th we picked Mia up from school right after recess, I thought that would be good because she could get a lot of energy out then sit in the van for 10-12 hours. The trip went very well and we arrived at my sister's around midnight.

On Friday we took the Metro to Union Station and walked around downtown D.C. The weather was perfect and the cherry blossoms where beautiful. Mia had quite the list of sites she wanted to see:
  • The White House
  • The Lincoln Memorial
  • The Washington Monument
  • Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum
  • The Declaration of Independence
The only one we didn't get to was the Declaration of Independence because the line was way too long.

On the Metro going into D.C.

Saturday we took a trip to Ikea because I had never been. Mia really liked the play area where no grown-ups are allowed. After about 2 or 3 hours of shopping we relaxed around the apartment and played games.

Sunday we packed up to go visit Uncle Brian, Aunt Wendy, Gracie, & Emma in Connecticut. But before heading out we had yummy kabobs on the grill and went to the park to have a family photo shoot!

Coming soon, Our Vacation: Part 2: New York City!