Thursday, February 10, 2011

09: passions and hobbies

For lesson 9 I was told to work more on my selective focal points (still haven't really figured out how to do this part) and my "baby steps to shooting in manual mode" (that does make it sound a little less scary). But did I do this... NO... I stuck my camera in AUTO and took the pictures! I'm going to tell both you and myself that I will take the time to read about how to do the selective focal points (I do know my camera has 17) then maybe I will. I DID get a few shots with different spots in focus so I don't think it is a big deal.

It took me a while to figure out what to shoot for this assignment. Passions and hobbies... It has been so long that Mike has had time for passions and hobbies. Maybe his passion is the business? Helping making it a success and not loosing his mind? But that didn't sound like much of a hobby to me. Then it came to me... firewood! Every spare moment he has he is trying to make sure we are warm.

1 comment:

Cori said...

Are those the trees in the basement!? yeah :)
I really like the last one too- of course! :)