Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Winter Garden

We are starting to prepare our winter garden! The plan was to get a hoop house but we don't want to spend all that money right now. So we are going to go with low tunnels this year. I am very excited about veggies from the garden this winter cause I had a lot of fun with my garden this summer. BUT next summer should be even better if I get a earlier start (we couldn't start the garden till June this year when we got the house) (that's 3 month later than I would have liked to start things). Here are some pictures...

Bean plants (before beans)

Crookneck squash

One of the 37 tomato plants (all kinds of varieties) this happens to be one of the 2 kinds of cherry tomatoes we had.


Eggplant (I thought I had a picture of this guy when he was all grown up but I can't seem to find it.)

I also planted Beets (never made it past the sprouts cause I put them in the ground too late), Zucchini (just started making its fruit cause I started them too late), Sweet Potatoes (not time to dig them up yet), Peppers (got about 2 bells and 10 jalapeƱo), Cantaloupe (got one that we ate today it was yummy!), Broccoli, Cabbage and Cauliflower (that the woodchuck ate ALL OF the same night I put them in the ground!!!). That's what is great about having a garden... There is always next year.

But we did get 21 bags of this Tomato Glut Sauce roasted and in the
freezer for the winter. I can't wait to eat it!!

1 comment:

LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

Wow that mix of veggies REALLY looks delish!! I was just telling Tony last week that I have interest in trying a small garden next year. Didnt realize how early I would need to start!