Monday, August 4, 2008

Crochet 101

Aunt Cori came to visit for almost a week. Her plane came in the same day we got back from up north. This was perfect timing because Mike went to Lake Cumberland in Kentucky to spend 4 days on a house boat with some Ubercart (the shopping cart he uses on the websites he develops) guys. I am calling this little venture, Geek Camp. 
So when Mike was away at Geek Camp, Cori, Mia, Gabriel, and I just visited. I told Cori I was getting spoiled seeing her once a month for 4 months now. Next time we see her will be Christmas, the kids will change so much! Cori also taught Mia how to crochet. She was working on chaining and told me she was making me a line! Now Mia is taking a crochet class at Jo-Ann's for 2 nights. She is making a bookmark in the class and she is having lots of fun with it.


LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

I love to crochet too! Just am having a hard time in finishing projects!! oops! :) Better luck to you Mia! Lets see your finished projects!

Anonymous said...

I think Gabriel likes crocheting too!

Anonymous said...

Gabriel looks like he's having the most fun!

Brandy said...

I think that is awesome that Mia is learning how to crochet. That is something I have always wanted to learn but just don't have the time right now.