Thursday, September 25, 2008

Flavor Fruit Farm

Now that it is fall and officially apple season, we will be making lots of trips to Flavor Fruit Farm. Not that I have not already been out there but I am still looking forward to the next trip. Two weeks ago I took the first trip out of the year. And Gabriel's first of his life! It was a Wednesday afternoon so there where not a lot of people there and we got to spend a lot of time watching the animals. 

Just posting about it is making me want to go tomorrow! I think we just might. :)


I have so much to post about! the past few weeks have been super busy...

The kids are both taking swimming lessons at the YMCA and they both love it. We go two times a week and are there from 5:30 - 7:10. 

Mia and Gabriel are not the only ones going to the YMCA these days. I have been taking a few classes with Nickie, and I think we have found a schedule that works great.
Monday ~ Yoga @ 8:30.
Wednesday ~ Shallow H2O aerobics @ 1:30 (our old lady class :) ).
Friday  ~ more Shallow H2O aerobics @ 1:30.
Gabriel loves going to the child watch and is always so happy when I come to pick him up after class.

Speaking of taking classes Nickie and I also have taken a few classes at JoAnn's. (Remember Mia's crochet class) The same person that taught that teaches knitting. We took knitting 101 and to tell you the truth I like crocheting a lot more. Maybe it is because I don't have to think about crocheting as much but knitting seems a lot harder. I guess if I want to get better I have to keep trying.  We also took Sewing 101, now this I loved. It just so happens that my cousin Jessica was taking the sewing class too (it is alway more fun to take a class with people you know). We are taking sewing 201 in October and are making a wrap skirt. I already have the fabric and everything! 

Monday, September 8, 2008

Big Boy!

We took Gabriel to his check up last Thursday and he is growing! He is not as heavy as I thought, but he now weighs 19.5 pounds and is 28 inches long. He also had his first dental appointment last week, I know it seems early but he has 8 teeth. Oh ya, he got a new tooth about two weeks ago. The dentist said they all look great and that he will get a break and the next few teeth that come in should be his first molars (that should be fun!) 

So for a week or so Gabriel has shown "signs" that he wanted to try using a spoon. By "signs" I mean grabbing the spoon anytime it came anywhere near his mouth. The first try was very cute, once he figured out he could fling food with his spoon it was all over (and all over the room). He was so proud. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Daddy is Home!

Mike had a wonderful time in Europe he did lots of fun things including climbing to the top of the Cologne Cathedral (that was Mia's favorite part of her trip to Germany last summer) and sneaking into a Hungarian rock concert! I will have to get more details to you on that later along with some of the million pictures he took. Don't worry there is NO WAY I am posting any of the hundred pictures he took of a presentation slide show???

Mia got her ears pierced. We are using a behavior reward system that we got from Mike's brother Brian. Mia has a pebble jar and earns pebbles for good behavior and looses pebbles for bad behavior. When the jar is full she gets a prize. She asked me if she could get her ears pierced about a month ago, I told her she had to ask her daddy and Mike what they thought about it first. She asked them and we decided that could be her next pebble prize. Well she filled up the jar and on Tuesday last week we went shopping for new shoes and to get her ears pierced. She is doing a great job taking care of them and they look super cute.