Thursday, July 3, 2008

New Pictures & Some Old

I could not find the cord to the camera so instead of buying a new one we decided to get an external memory card reader that will read 12 different types of memory cards. I am so glad we did because for some reason there were a few pictures "stuck" on the SD card from our first trip to DC.

The cherry blossoms are gorgeous this time of year.

Mia was very excited to see the White House in person.

And just before we went she learned about Abraham Lincoln at school, so the Lincoln Memorial was way cool too.

And for the new tooth picture I promised. It is not the best picture ever but if you look close you can see the little white spot poking out of his gums on the top left side. Way cute!!!


Brandy said...

Your pictures are way cute! Your little guy is getting so big! :)

Jessica said...

I see the tooth! Too cute! ;)