Monday, April 6, 2009

Spring Break Road Trip. Part 1

For spring break Grandma Chloe, Lisa, Myles, Carson, Mia, Gabriel, and I decided to take a road trip to Cincinnati for some of their famous chili

We got on the road at 9am on Wednesday and headed south. That night we stayed in Dayton to check out the National Air Force Museum. Gabriel loved walking around he walked almost the whole time. That did slow us down a bit so I didn't get many pictures of Mia and Myles. Mia's favorite was the Fokker D. VII, she said it looked like a plane Barbie would have flown in the war. 

On Thursday the weather was gorgeous so we decided to go to the Cincinnati Zoo before we checked into our hotel. That evening we walked around downtown, ate at Skyline Chili, and had wonderful ice cream at Graeter's (the blueberry pie ice cream is soooo yummy).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! Gramma Kathy missed you while you were gone.