Thursday, January 24, 2008

Rolling ALREADY?

Gabriel is getting very strong, holding his head up a little bit longer each time he is on his tummy. But last night during his "Tummy Time" he actually rolled over. I was sure that it was an accident so I put him back on his tummy and he did it again. I didn't think he would be doing this for at least another month. Living in the technically advanced age that we do, I looked on one of the many "your baby will do this around this age" web-sites out there and found out it is possible as early as 2 months old babies can start rolling over from front to back. I guess we will see if he will do it again. I will keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you started a blog!

Anonymous said...

Aww!! I wanna see him roll over!!!

Jessica said...

Wow, big boy!! Holly is working on it, but she hates Tummy Time. So her first rollover will probably be from back to front, which usually takes a little longer..

LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

Great Job Gabriel!!! He is looking so cute too!! :)