Thursday, October 21, 2010

Keeping Warm

What kind of old farm house would we have without a wood burning furnace?

So far heating with wood is going great. We did have a few days that is got REALLY warm in the house (so warm we had to open all the windows). But after Mike got the furnace figured out it stays pretty consistent. We are also very lucky to have an abundance of dead trees available for us to use (saving money). Not to mention cutting the trees and splitting the logs are great exercises for my computer geek. ;-)
It is a lot of work but over all I think we are going to like this chore. The kids are pitching in as well, gathering sticks, loading the wood onto the trailer to bring home and piling it into the basement.

They took the wagon around the yard looking for sticks
and got quite the pile!

Helping daddy start the fire.
"Mommy don't touch it. It is berry berry berry HOT."

Into the basement it goes.
Papa O had the brilliant idea to use an old slide for this job.

1 comment:

Cori said...

Hot! I mean very cool! haha. :)
You are such farmers, or country-men!