Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Falling Down

Of course the very next post after one about a new walker would be about falling...

Saturday I went with Mike's cousin Cara to a women's expo and to a movie. After the movie I called the boys to see what they were doing and they just happened to be at Outback waiting for a table for dinner (perfect timing). Two minutes later I got a call, Gabriel was walking around on the sidewalk and fell. Mike said he got a "little" scratch and sent me a picture.

Mike said he didn't cry much and by the time he got it cleaned up and I got home this sad little boy was "Happy Gabe" again. It has turned into quite the nice scab. I am just dreading the next bump. I think he has fallen 5 times more already that Mia did by this age. I don't remember any major bumps or falls with her. 

Monday, March 9, 2009

And He's Off!

Gabriel is walking!! He is so proud of himself. I think it was last week he decided to try to brave a few steps without holding on to anything. Already he is going so far. Mike took him outside to walk around today and said he walked down the sidewalk for about two houses. 

A Few More Updates:

Gabriel got his first set of molars. He has been working on them for awhile and they are finally all here. That is 12 teeth total!

Curious George is "his movie" I know kids "should not watch TV until they are at least 2" but he LOVES it. So I let him!

Anytime he wants something he points to it and says "momma"??? He was doing this with Grandma Kathy this weekend and I was nowhere around. (Really Gabriel, I am not the only one who can meet your needs!!!)

Miss Mia had a Daddy Daughter Dance at school last month and had so much fun.