Sunday, December 21, 2008

Santa Face Cookies

Grandma Kathy has a Christmas tradition that started when she was a little girl, her Aunt Joene used to make "Santa Face Cookies" every year. When Mike was in kindergarden Kathy started her yearly "Santa Face Cookie" extravaganza. Last Saturday she started cutting cookies at 7:30. We got out the door at 9 and still arrived in time to help cut out the Santas. Mia is becoming quite the helper, she made the eyes, mouths, sprinkled the hats and put most of the coconut on the beards. I am so glad we can be a part of this tradition, I know it is something that Mia will remember forever.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Countdown

Only two weeks until Christmas Eve already. I thought I was doing good starting my Christmas shopping the day after Thanksgiving (not something I normally do). We put our tree up last weekend (last year I think we got a tree the weekend before Christmas) and even got it decorated. We decided to use Nickie's artificial tree this year, it fits in the little space we have perfectly. I didn't want to put the tree in the living room this year because I'm afraid Gabriel would try to climb it. One thing I wanted to find this year was a Christmas countdown something, I found one in a magazine that I wanted to make but guess what, NO TIME. But I did find one at Target on sale for $20 that I love.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

A Letter

Last night when I went to bed I found this on my pillow.

"Hi mommy, gabey Baby Is screming
and me and Him
want to thank
You for every thing
yove done for us
Love you lots,

gabey Baby and
Mia Pia Pricess
