Lets start with food. Gabriel started getting interested in eating solid food at about 4 months. I was going to try and wait until he was at least 5 months old to start feeding him solids but he talked me into it and we tried rice cereal about 3 weeks ago. The first day he ate about 4 baby spoons full and was done. The next day he ate I would guess about 4 tablespoons full. Now he is eating rice, butternut squash, and oats. Today at lunch I could not believe how much he ate. I fed him squash and he was mad at me when it was gone, so I made him some oat cereal and a bottle. (He has decided that nursing is not an efficient way to get milk and has started drinking more bottles.) According to the cheap bathroom scale we have he is about 17 pounds! I looked in Mia's baby book and at 5 months she was only 11 pounds 6 ounces. What a big difference!
We also have 2 new teeth in the family! Gabriel's first two bottom teeth emerged at the end of last week. They make him look so big.
Due to lack of planning, last night we ran out of the diapers we use at night (seventh generation) so we tried gDiapers overnight for the first time. Lets just say I am glad that UPS delivered my diapers.com order today! We also ran out of clean gDipaper "little g's" the outer cloth part. So this morning I had to fashion a diaper out of the inside liner of a gDiaper and a blanket (very 007).