Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Big Bed, Big Boy!

It seems to me that this happens every time... Mike leaves on a business trip and Gabriel has some huge developmental milestone.

Mike went to Paris for the week and now Gabriel is sleeping in his "Big Bed". Which right now is just a twin mattress on the floor that we put in his room after painting and getting new carpet (before that he was sleeping in Mia's old VERY pink room). He would lay down in the "Big Bed" and would pretend to sleep but always wanted in his crib to go to sleep. The past two nights he crawled into the bed and said "Go night momma" and has been sleeping all night!

Today after we took Mia to school we went to Target so he could pick out a blanket (or "bacon" is how Gabriel says it) for his bed. I was sure he was going to pick the Disney Cars set that they have, he did notice it and wanted to hold it but then told me "Oh-key back" and wanted me to put it back on the shelf. He did pick one with vehicles on it that I do really like...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Mia's Dress

As you can tell I am NOT doing very well with the catch up blogging. So I have officially decided to "skip over" the last four months and work on now. I did just find the camera that had been missing for the past few months and put all the pictures on the computer so I can work on catching up some. It is also important to keep up so...

If you don't already know Mia is WAY into fashion design (She already has plans of attending The Illinois Institute of Art-Chicago for their Fashion Design-Bachelor of Fine Arts program) and is always sketching up designs in her notebooks. Last week Mia had Monday off of school and Grandma Teresa had no work, what a perfect time for a little Grandma/Mia project. They took her notebook to JoAnn's and picked out fabric for two of Mia's designs. The plan was to get the stuff they needed for the two outfits and work on getting it all cut and ready to sew for "next time". So I was very surprized when I walked in and Mia was wearing her very first dress that SHE herself had designed! She planed on wearing it to her Daddy/Daughter Dance that Girl Scouts had on Friday but they didn't make it to the dance... she did however get to wear it bowling!